
Best-in-Class Marketing for Kailua-Kona Businesses

Omnichannel strategies, cutting edge content and ROi-focused analytics are what you can expect from Kailua-Kona Marketing, along with a unique embrace of our community and its values.

How can we help you?​

Explore our many marketing services below or see our discounted Packages. When you Get Started with a Free Consultation, we’ll recommend a mix of these services based on your business goals.​

Kailua-Kona Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing Services for Kailua-Kona Local Businesses

There are few better ways to target customers and drive cost-effective leads to your business than our Kailua-Kona Social Media Marketing. Social Media platforms gather so much data on their users, it allows us to target based on buying habits, sentiments, demographics and more. Our Social Media Marketing Services for Kailua-Kona local businesses also include brand building and community management, where our accomplished teams of creatives and customer support act as the voice of your brand and amplify your presence online and across the islands.

Paid Social Campaigns

When you want inexpensive leads, plenty of them and right now, rely on Kailua-Kona Marketing paid social campaigns. We use Facebook’s millions of data points to reach your potential customers at the ideal time and the ideal place for them to engage your business. We are expert at using Lookalike Audiences and Interest targeting, as well as designing content customized to your audiences, to get the most of the ad budget you entrust to us. Our test-and-learn approach optimizes your content for the best return on investment (ROI) and discovers your highest-value customers.

Social Profile Optimization 

Social Profile Optimization means giving your social media and earned media, like Facebook, Instagram and TikTok, a cutting-edge professional appearance and integrations with any digital platforms you use. We’ve been doing this for clients from small businesses to global enterprises since 2010, and we’ll make your brand look great! We’ll also connect your social media with any CRMs, CDPs, Analytics or Marketing Automation platforms you may have, allowing you to have the best data insights and targeting available.

Social Media Remarketing

The most cost-effective “digital billboard” in marketing, Social Media Remarketing allows us to directly reach prospects and customers who have already engaged with your business, which means greatly improved ROI. As with all Kailua-Kona Marketing campaigns, we customize messaging to each audience, testing its performance based on revenue and engagement. This is a great way to keep your customers engaged, convert visitors to customers, and keep your brand top of mind with engaged audiences. 

Social Media Content Creation

All social media lives or dies based on its content, and our Social Media Content Creation ensures you’ll have high-quality content at a volume that’s ideal for your goals. Our content is custom to your brand and ideal for your industry, created with expertise and research that we’re constantly improving to ensure you’re cutting edge. 

Cross-Channel Campaigns

A cross-channel campaign is when social media marketing and conventional marketing like direct mail and email combine, improving each channel’s performance through coordination. We coordinate your messaging and targeting so that you reach the right customers at the right time in multiple places, with content that inspires them to take action. This is the “synergy” they talk about in marketing board rooms and we consider our ability to harmonize these channels to be truly best in class.

Social Media Posting

Not only can we create top-notch content, we can post it for you too. We take your social media content and craft it into a content calendar that’s conscious of your industry’s seasonality and timing, your audience’s preferences and your best engagement rates. After posting, we report on its engagement metric performance, and use that data to optimize it, so that your content is continually improving.

Community Management

“Community Management” means Kailua-Kona Marketing responds to comments, reviews and other engagements on your social media and chat channels. Rely on us to represent your brand in the best light, drawing on love for our shared community’s local voice and on decades of customer service experience in the digital space. We chat, comment and befriend your audience, with utmost professionalism and with a focus on making everyone into advocates for your business.

Kailua-Kona LinkedIn Marketing

Business to business (B2B) marketing thrives on LinkedIn, the best social media platform to connect businesses and reach decision makers. Our Kailua-Kona LinkedIn marketing takes full advantage of this, then takes it to the next level with local flavor and awareness of our unique community. We know who the top businesses in Kailua-Kona and across the islands are for your brand to reach, and we use the latest expertise in targeting and content creation to reach them.

Kailua-Kona Pinterest Marketing

Yes, Pinterest is still a thing, and our Kailua-Kona Pinterest Marketing is an outstanding way to connect your brand with female audiences. Cooking, crafts, DIY, art, jewelry and so many more communities are active on Pinterest, and your brand may find them to be an ideal way to connect with your ideal customers. You’ll certainly find our content to be high quality, as we have designed and posted professional creative work on Pinterest for over a decade.

Discord Management

Just about everyone who’s active online is active on Discord, the latest digital blend of chat and community forums, and our Discord Management service engages the communities that matter most to your business on your behalf. We know how to use graphics, tagging and even custom emojis to engage Discord audiences in the way they authentically respond to. And we know how to seek out the servers that convert brand engagement into leads. 

Kailua-Kona NextDoor

Our Kailua-Kona NextDoor service uses the latest local social app, NextDoor, to build your brand’s presence and drive leads to your business. It’s an outstanding way to offer discounts, inform a local audience of events and increase brand trust by showing you’re an active member of the local community. KKM’s full-service Next Door marketing directs your content creation, posts on NextDoor and manages any ad spend, and reports on performance.  

Search Engine Marketing & Google Local Ad Services for Kailua-Kona Local Businesses

Search Engine Marketing on Google and Google Local Ad Services combine high-intention audiences with the reliability of paid media. We reach the customers who are looking for a business like yours and we use data-rich targeting and regularly optimized content to do it. When Google users search for services in Kailua-Kona, our ads ensure you’re reaching them in a cost effective way that’s constantly improving. 

Kailua-Kona Local Ads

The hottest opportunity for local business leads on Google are its local ads, and our Kailua-Kona Local Ads expertise is second to none. We’ve used Local Ads on behalf of businesses both small and large from the very beginning, and know how to get the best volume possible. We build, target and report on your Local Ads, focusing on growth and ROI.

Kailua-Kona Brand SEM

Our Kailua-Kona Brand SEM ensures you’re top of search results on the searches that are most likely to generate leads and revenue, searches for your brand. Many businesses don’t want to “buy their brand,” but this misses out on a tremendous amount of search traffic, surrendering leads from Google users who instinctively click the top result. Brand search engine marketing isn’t just some of the least expensive leads you’ll get, they’re often the leads that convert to the best revenue at the highest rate, and Kailua-Kona Marketing SEM uses that performance data to continually improve your ads’ content and targeting.

Non-Brand SEM

Non-Brand SEM competes for Google searches related to your business using an auction that we’re experts at gaming. Kailua-Kona Marketing’s Non-Brand SEM uses keyword research and optimization, audience data, and continually optimized content, including extensions, to place your best ads in front of your best audience. Unlike other agencies, we don’t waste your budget pursuing every single impression, instead focusing your ad budget’s on the top-value audiences.

Google Remarketing

Google Remarketing allows Kailua-Kona Marketing to target visitors to your website or segments of your customer audience with display ads designed just for them. It’s a great way to keep your business top of mind for potential and existing customers, using repeated brand presence in a select way. It’s also an outstanding channel to offer promotions in a timely way that reaches the audience that is most interested in them, driving some of your most effective leads at great conversion rates.

YouTube Ad Marketing

Kailua-Kona YouTube Ad Marketing targets, reports on and optimizes your YouTube ad campaigns, and we design video ads too! YouTube is the second-most active ad delivery network in the world, yet many local businesses don’t take advantage of this service, which offers the precision of Google user data targeting and the engagement rates of video ads. As with all KKM paid media campaigns, you can rely on us to stay focused on the metrics that matter most to your business goals, while constantly testing and learning. 

Google Display Network Marketing

Businesses focused on lead volume turn to Google Display Network Marketing for leads they’d otherwise miss. It’s a great way to maximize your leads when other channels have exhausted their volume. Google Display is also one of the top “digital billboard” platforms, allowing your brand presence to follow potential customers across their online journeys. This creates brand trust and improves conversion rates on other channels.

Kailua-Kona Search Engine Optimization & Content Marketing

Search Engine Optimization for Kailua-Kona Local Businesses

The dream of every digital marketer is to generate high-quality, high-intent leads without spending a penny, and that’s what our Search Engine Optimization for Kailua-Kona local businesses does for your brand. We dedicate your investment in our services to improving site performance, optimizing on-page elements, crafting content and generating authentic backlinks so that search audiences who ignore the ads will find you at the top of the page for searches that matter most to your business goals.

Kailua-Kona SEO Blogs

It’s been the same since the internet began, “content is king” when it comes to claiming the top of the search engine result pages, and our Kailua-Kona SEO blogs are strategically crafted to benefit your page rank. Our blogs concentrate on topics that boost the keyword ranking of your top lead-generating search terms and follow the latest trends Google favors. We employ formatting, markup and writing style that caters to search engines, giving you an edge over competitors’ content. 

SEO Audits

Not every site is perfect, but we can provide you a prioritized plan to get there with our SEO Audit. We use a variety of SEO and site evaluation tools to analyze your site’s performance, content and rankings, then present you with a plan to improve them. Our plan involves an executive summary, cost estimates and recommendations on what changes should be prioritized to benefit your business’ bottom line. It’s like no other SEO Audit, with a strategic plan that truly cares about your busine

SEO Video 

Video content generates some of the best engagement, and our Kailua-Kona SEO video is strategically designed, tagged and posted to turn that engagement into benefit for your search ranking. We focus on your top-converting keywords to help produce video on subjects that assist their ranking, even lending a hand with the editing. Then we post them on your site with metatags that enhance the benefit to your SEO, giving you every optimization available, and test their performance based on keyword ranking and the value of your traffic.

SEO Graphics

Even the images on your site play a crucial role in your search rankings, and our Kailua-Kona SEO graphics service knows how to take full advantage of them. We start by auditing your site’s graphics to discover any opportunities for improvement, then present you with a plan to achieve that. Once you set the plan in motion, we create any new graphics needed, apply tags and formatting that benefit your top-value keywords, and post them on your digital presence. Observing their performance, we provide regular evaluations and recommendations for future graphics, to ensure constant improvement.

Kailua-Kona Offsite SEO

How other websites connect to and engage with your site is a major factor in your search ranking, and Kailua-Kona Offsite SEO takes a careful, high-quality approach to generating backlinks and social signals. We don’t spam links to boost overall traffic; we get you select, premium links from sites that matter most to keywords that generate leads. Our patient, methodical strategy protects your site from risk while focusing on links that best assist your business goals.

Kailua-Kona Email Marketing

Email Marketing for Kailua-Kona Local Businesses

True email marketing for Kailua-Kona local businesses means bringing engaging content that features the unique spirit of our community to customers and prospects at the right place and the right time. Kailua-Kona Marketing achieves this using locally grown content, authentic voice, industry-perfect formats, timely automations and expert audience segmentation. We are a full-suite, cutting-edge email marketing service that knows Kailua-Kona like no other.

Drip Campaigns

Modern email marketing demands the use of drip campaigns, emails that are sent out automatically to customers to guide them on their user journey, and Kailua-Kona Marketing uses them to the fullest. We segment your audiences into groups related to their interests, the ways they engaged with your business and their value to you. We then craft unique sequences of emails, “drip campaigns,” to automatically engage them at the ideal timing of their decision making, and report on both content and audience performance based on return on investment.

Nurture Emails

Keeping your customers engaged is best done in a way that’s personalized, timely and speaks to their interests, and our Kailua-Kona nurture emails offer all those qualities. As with our drip campaigns, we use audience segmentation to ensure we’re targeting each distinct group of your customers with messaging particular to them, and our nurture campaigns inform them of your relevant promotions, need for check ups and seasonal messaging. It’s the best way to keep your customers engaged, convey your brand’s personality and care for them, and get them to take action in a timely way.

Newsletter Emails

As essential as segmentation is to reaching the right audience, sometimes you want to reach your entire audience with an informative, artistic message, and that’s where our Kailua-Kona Newsletter Emails come in. We pride ourselves on making your brand look great, your events exciting and your promotions appealing. Your newsletter is the message most of your customers see, and so our design, content and format skills present you at your best. We also time your newsletters and use list-clean automations in order to make sure the people you’re emailing actually want to read your newsletter, and evaluate open rates to measure their success.

Promotion Emails

Our Kailua-Kona Promotion Emails can be dispatched on short notice, allowing you to be responsive to your marketing needs, business goals and causes to celebrate. We keep successful formats on hand and personalize them to bring your distinct brand to life, combining the best of data-based testing with creative devotion to your business. We’ll recommend a segment to send them to and then analyze their performance to constantly optimize.

Would you like to team with us?​

Get Started with the simple, three-step process for a custom strategy or call us so that we can talk you through it and get to know you.